Owner: Camden County Department of Public Works | Camden County, NJ

The project included the repair/rehabilitation of five dam structures in Camden County to address comments received during the 2015 annual dam inspections, recent field reconnaissance, and collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Division of Dam Safety & Flood Control.

Project Statistics

Location: Various Locations in
Camden County

Completion Date: August 2017

Size: N/A

Total Project Cost: $150,000

Project Engineer: Brian Smith, PE

Project Manager: Samir Mody, PE

Contact: Ms. Kevin Becica

Keller Engineers’ responsibilities included providing design, post design (including shop drawing/catalog cut reviews), and construction inspection support to the County.

This project addressed multiple site conditions, including:

  • Tree and debris removal from spillway boxes, stream bed, sidewalks, sheet pile wall, and embankments.
  • Erosion control measures through the use of grouted and ungrouped riprap, fill, matting, topsoil, and seed mixes.
  • Water seepage by pressure injection of concrete cracks.
  • Repairs to deteriorating or damaged gabion baskets.
  • Coordination with NJDOT for lane closures along Route 30.
  • Address deterioration and erosion of Dam structures following submission of PS&E documents; Atco Lake Dam required a Change of Plan to stabilize advanced deterioration.

Project Uniqueness/Challenges:

  • The delivery of the contract documents, including plans, details, specifications/ bid documents, and Engineers Estimate was accelerated so the project could be advertised for construction two months after we received Notice to Proceed.
  • Extensive coordination with NJDEP’s Dam Safety & Flood Control group was necessary in order to obtain their “buy-in” and project sign off.
  • The pressure injection grout operation at the Evans Pond Dam required unique expertise.
  • The grouted rip rap operations conducted at Evans Pond and Haddon Lake Dams followed a thoroughly orchestrated work plan.