Owner: Camden County DPW | Camden County, NJ
Project Statistics
Location: Township of Pennsauken Borough of Merchantville
Design Submission: Feb. 2021 (PS&E)
Status: Complete; Aug. 2022
Cost: EE – $2M; Low Bid – $1.85M
PIC / Project Mgr.: Samir D. Mody, PE
Design Engineers: Brian Jackson
Joel Reese
Contact: Kevin Becica, PE, PP, CME
County Engineer
This project consisted of the design and reconstruction of Park Avenue (CR 621) from Union Avenue (CR 615) to Cove Road (CR 616). Park Avenue between Cove Road (MP 0.40) and Union Avenue (MP 1.10) is a key east-west county roadway characterized as a two-lane urban minor arterial with a posted speed limit of 25 mph.
The typical section is predominately one 14-foot-wide travel lane in each direction with no designated shoulder or parking throughout the corridor within a 40’ right-of-way. The typical section also included concrete base pavement with a 2” asphalt overlay, curbing and sidewalk with utility poles along both sides of the corridor. The right-of-way includes sidewalks that are approximately 3 feet in width alongside a 2-foot grass strip where utility poles are located. The need for this project was based on the condition of the existing pavement, sidewalks, driveway aprons and closed drainage system, which had significantly degraded to an unsatisfactory condition along the corridor.
The Keller Engineers of New Jersey, LLC (KENJ) team assessed the condition of the existing concrete base pavement to determine if resurfacing is possible, or if pavement reconstruction is required. Pavement design is currently under development. Several pavement improvement options were considered for their benefit/cost, from limited reconstruction to resurfacing to a combination of both. These options were evaluated prior to the 60% design submission. The project will maintain the existing curb to curb pavement surface, with one travel lane in each direction and possible striping of designated shoulders and/or parking at different segments along the corridor. Additionally, the project included ADA compliance; striping of approach lanes at each intersection; replacement of curbing, sidewalk and driveway aprons where required; and improved signing and striping throughout the corridor.
The project scope included the design of stormwater improvements as needed throughout the corridor, as this roadway experienced a number of drainage issues that have contributed to the pavement deterioration. The KENJ team oversaw the jetting and cleaning of the stormwater system and videotaped the condition of the existing storm sewers within the project limits. Based upon the results of this surveillance and drainage issues observed on site, the KENJ team recommended spot repairs and improvements to the existing stormwater system. A new stormwater system was constructed for approximately 1,800 feet of the project where no drainage currently exists. An integrated monolithic curb and gutter drainage system was designed to provide a significant improvement to the pavement throughout the project limits.
Several utilities were present within the project limits which created additional challenges, including PSE&G Gas & Electric, Verizon, Pennsauken Sewer, Merchantville/Pennsauken Water & NJ Transit.
Project Tasks
- Roadway Construction Plans
- Roadway/Pavement Design
- Signing/Striping Design
- Utility Coordination Efforts
- ADA Curb Ramp Design
- Drainage Design
- Bid Document Preparation
- Construction Administration