Project Statistics

Location: Township of Roxbury Morris County

CD Study Submission: Nov., 2022

Cost: Engineers Estimate – $5M

PIC / Project Mgr.: Samir D. Mody, PE

Design Engineers: Brian Wiser, PE Craig Starr, PE
Saif AlDairi, EIT

Contact: Jakub Rowinski

Contact: Scott Parker, PE
Jacobs Engineering

Owner: North Jersey Transportation Authority (NJTPA) / Jacobs Engineering | Morris County, NJ

Keller Engineers of New Jersey, LLC was retained by NJTPA and Jacobs Engineering to develop and evaluate potential options to eliminate the height restriction that the Chester Branch Rail Bridge creates on Berkshire Valley Road (CR 642). The scope also explored potential improvements to better accommodate truck movements at the intersection of Berkshire Valley Road and N. Dell Avenue. The Chester Branch rail bridge restricts overhead clearance on Berkshire Valley Road to 11’ 5” which limits the size of trucks that can travel on the road. In addition, the geometric configuration of the intersection at Berkshire Valley Road and N. Dell Avenue makes it difficult for trucks to navigate. Without these impediments, Berkshire Valley Road would be the preferred truck route through this area between I-80 to US-46 as it avoids Roxbury’s residential neighborhoods.

The Chester Branch is one of three rail lines Morris County owns, that serve a wide range of industrial customers. Maintaining freight rail service and improving truck access to this area is critical. The rail bridge is located near the former Hercules Powder Plant, a 900-acre site that is one of the largest vacant industrial properties in the region. In addition, there are industrial properties on the east side of Berkshire Valley Road and along the east side of the Chester Branch that hold significant potential for new rail-served industrial development. Addressing the constraints on Berkshire Valley Road would facilitate industrial and economic growth and improve quality of life in Roxbury Township. This project aligns with and supports New Jersey’s State Strategic Plan, which presents a blueprint for achieving sustainable economic growth balanced with natural resource preservation and quality of life for New Jersey residents.

Keller Engineers developed 10 conceptual alternatives to support the project’s purpose and need statement and minimizing track outages to 14 days (max.) with the use of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques, compiled the information into an alternatives’ scoring matrix and provided technical input for the PIAP, community materials, risk register and concept development report.

The recommended Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA) provides the community with a full bridge replacement constructed during a 14-day track outage and utilizing Precast Concrete Cantilever Abutment ABC techniques. The new single-span bridge is proposed with an underclearance of 14’-3” over Berkshire Valley Road.