Owner: Parkside Business & Community in Partnership, Inc. | City of Camden, NJ
City of Camden, NJ, Zoned C-1 into five (5) individual lots to accommodate the construction of new, two-story townhomes. The property was originally an abandoned building as shown below.
Project Statistics
Location: City of Camden
Completion Date: Q4 2024 (Est.)
Size: Buildings – 3,407 SF
Site: 0.41 Acres
Total Project Cost: $1,000,000 (Est.)
Project Manager: Sam Mody, PE
Project Engineer: Saif AlDairi, EIT
Contact: Bridget Phifer & John Bond
856-964-0440, Ext. 10
Keller Engineers responsibilities include: conceptual sketch plans, comprehensive site development design, permitting, stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, utility extensions, lighting plan, landscaping plan, traffic report, coordination with project stakeholders and subconsultants, and preparation and submission of Municipal applications. Approvals were secured from Camden County, Fire Marshall, Soil Conservation District, and the City of Camden Planning & Zoning Boards. Extensive coordination was conducted with the County’s Designer of Record for the Haddon Avenue Reconstruction project.