Owner: Maytav Bus Company, Inc | Camden County, NJ

The proposed project is construction of a bus maintenance building, renovation of an existing building, and construction of a parking facility for buses, minivans, and cars. The lot is located at 1501 Pine Street in the City of Camden is presently 90% impervious from a previous use.

Site improvements include one ingress and two egress driveways onto Pine Street, construction of a new 50’ x 70’ three-bay bus maintenance facility, renovation of a two-story brick building into offices and a driver’s lounge, parking for 54 buses, 28 minivans/ short buses, 11 cars and utility connections.

Keller Engineers responsibilities include: ALTA survey, base plan, conceptual plans, traffic study, comprehensive site development design / permitting, construction drawings, design of parking lot, landscape plan, site lighting plan, stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, service laterals, coordination with project stakeholders and subconsultants and preparation and submission of municipal applications.

Project Statistics

Location: City of Camden

Completion Date: Winter 2024

Size: Building- 9,100 SF

Site: 1.816 Acres

Total Project Cost: $1,000,000

Project Manager: Sam Mody, PE

Project Engineer: Saif AlDairi, EIT

Contact: Stanley Greenblum